All pilots attending C-130 requal (PRA or PRB), and the Pilot Checkout Course, there is a test on the pre-course CBTs and it is administered on the first or second day of class. Failure of the test could result in disenrollment from the course. Information on how to obtain a copy of the pre-course material can be found at the ETCA website. A link to ETCA can be found by searching the Air Force Portal.
AFI 11-2C-130 v3 Index download (95K Word)
Index to the new version of AFI 11-2C-130 v3. This replaces the 2006 version. Thanks to LtCol DJ Hernandez (25Apr2011)
DD-1801 Gouge (16Aug00) Quick reference, item-by-item description of the DD-1801 International Flight Plan page DD-1801 Gouge. Also Download a checklist-sized insert (34K Word file) providing the same item-by-item description of the DD-1801 Flight Plan. Excerpt from the IAOPA website.
AFI 11-202v3 Index download (47K Word)
Updated Comprehensive index of our 11-202v3 pub (no index was included in the original pub). Thanks to Capt. Alexandra Smith (16Nov03)
C-130H1 Bold Face/ Ops Limits Sheet download (365K PDF). Thanks to 2LT Brandon Calhoun. (29Jun11)
C-130H1 Bold Face/ Ops Limit BLANK Sheet download (242K PDF). Thanks to Thanks to 2LT Brandon Calhoun. (29Jun11)
C-130 Fuel Planner download (2Mb Excel) fuel planning workbook with step climb information and more. Thanks to Mr. Farsi, Royal Saudi Air Force (1Dec2010)
C-130H Fuel Planner download (1Mb Excel) H-model fuel planning sheet with data from the -1 to do fuel planning, multi-leg, and enroute fuels. Thanks to Dan Riley (17Aug09)
C-130 Discussion Items 2009 download (723Kb .PDF) Edwards AFB Test Pilot Primer on various C-130 topics, including Vmca, Obstacle Clearance, Stall, Fin Stall, and the aerodynamics of turning flight. Thanks to Grant Mizell (5Mar09)
C-130 Turn and Burn Diagram (54Kb .PDF) Updated checklist-sized engine start diagram. Thanks to Jason Little (5OCT08)
File Downloads: C-130E / C-130H1 / C-130H2 / C-130H3
C-130E Ops Limits Slideshow download (402K PPT)
C-130E Ops Limits Program download (54K zip)
A program written in visual basic that allows review of current OPS LIMITS for the C-130E. The 204 questions can either be viewed in order or randomized. Its a cool little tool to review for the EPE. Bugs now fixed. Thanks to Jammy Eaton (11Apr06)
C-130H Told download (227K zip)
Excel spreadsheet that will compute your TOLD. Thanks to William Archambault (9May07)
C-130 Brain Book download (2.7M pdf)
Consolidated C-130 Gouge Book – Numbers, Mission Planning, Briefings and Guides, TAC, Emergency and Abnormal, SKE. Thanks to Tucker Rojas (18Nov05) — or download 5.7M Word
C-130 TOLD Gouge download (232K Word)
Comprehensive C-130H TOLD Gouge in a checklist-sized insert format. Thanks to Marc Lovelace (4Feb06)
C-130E EPE Study Guide download (2.1M Word) Version 8 2002. Comprehensive study guide of EPs for all phases of flight. Systems review and diagrams. Thanks to Maj Berg 53AS
C-130 Malfunctions / Systems Overview download (76K Word)
Quick C-130 EPs & systems notes – good for FEs and Pilots alike. Thanks to Aaron O’Connor (19Jul05)
“Hey Eng” website link – The C-130 Flight Engineer Shop – Tons of FE and Systems Gouge. Thanks to Duck McCombs (11Jun05).
Herc Systems Review download (20K Word)
6-pages of concise systems notes. (5July01)
Flight Eng Systems Gouge (20Sep00)
This is a comprehensive systems training manual going through the dash-1 in detail. Thanks to MSgt Donnie Sumner and MSgt Gary Clark Instructor Engineers at the 189th at Little Rock. Download the 60-page manual (264K Word).
C-130 Electrical System Diagram
download (165K .pdf). Thanks to Maj Alexander Carothers. (5July01)
US Coast Guard C-130 Gouge zipped file download (36K winzip file)
Thanks to LT Timothy Tobiasz. (5July01)
US Coast Guard C-130 Gouge zipped file download (36K winzip file)
Thanks to LT Timothy Tobiasz. (5July01)
MLS Test download (181K Word)
It is an MLS guide to the self test and operation. (15Mar01)
C-130 Systems Guide 2nd Edition, E-Model, (1May04) download (3.3Mb ZIP-Word) Systems Guide WITH diagrams.
This C-130 systems study guide (with diagrams) is intended to help pilots and copilots by methodically presenting each of the aircraft’s major systems in turn, including emergencies and operational limits related to each system. This guide is not intended to substitute any USAF T.O. or official publication.
C-130 Systems Guide 2nd Edition, E-Model, (1May04) download (150K ZIP-Word) Systems Guide WITHOUT diagrams.
This C-130 systems study guide (without diagrams) is intended to help pilots and copilots by methodically presenting each of the aircraft’s major systems in turn, including emergencies and operational limits related to each system. This guide is not intended to substitute any USAF T.O. or official publication.
- Engine Gearbox
- Fire Handles
- Fire + Overheat
- Flap Operation
- Fuel Pump
- Fuel Summary
- Above files, thanks to: Lon H. 53AS
This file contains a collection of simple DZ Mosaics and Sight-angle Mosaics for both Blackjack and All American DZs.. Thanks to Terry Hollingsworth (12Jan09)
DZ Size Calculator download (331K xls)
Calculates the minimum DZ size required for Pers, HE, CDS, HVCDS, SATB airdrops.
Thanks to Wes Robinson (25Aug2011)
C-130 TAC Quick Reference download (49K Word)
Quick reference of TAC ops for reviewing prior to brief, etc. File prints into two checklist-sized pages so you can review numbers, restrictions, etc., on the crew bus, or whatever. TAC GK memory jogger. Thanks to Omar Bradley 109th SkiBirds (8Jan08)
DZ Entry / Exit Calculator 2010 download (22K xlsx)
Excel spreadsheet that acts like a calculator for DZ Entry/Exit. New version includes latest 3-3 references. Thanks to Justin Porter (26Mar2010)
Littlerock AFB Monthly CHUM official website (AF Portal page)
This site allows the user to check for CHUM updates from any computer with internet access (provided the user can access the AF Portal). Here are several PowerPoint presentations that are updated monthly for Littlerock AFB standard routes. I use FalconView, so it’s not only very accurate, it’s MAJCOM approved. Thanks to Terry Hollingsworth (15Jan08)
DZ Night Lighting Visual download (86K Excel)
Helps illustrate how a DZ will look at night for a given distance from the PI by entering the flanker lights’ and trailing edge beacon’s distance from the PI. Thanks to Terry Hollingsworth (20Jan09)
DZ Wizard v1.8 download (423K zip)
MS Access program that calculates Min DZ Size and when given a Drop Zone’s dimensions, will calculate the max altitudes that may be flown for various types of drops. Current version is for C-130 aircraft. AFSOC and similar aircraft may use Day Single-ship unless local publications supplement AFI13-217. Thanks to Terry Hollingsworth (updated 3Jun07)
NVG Airland Operations Study Guide download (59K Word)
Study / Briefing Guide that references all paragraphs in the regulations that give procedural guidance. Thanks to Dave Spande & MN ANG (6Jun07)
Fuel Log Calc v2 download (110K Excel)
Excel Worksheet that will do the required Fuel and ETP calculations with minimal input from the user. This is the actual form that Navs will use for their flight. Thanks to Wes Robinson (24Oct06)
All American DZ Mozaics (LRF) download (1.2M PDF)
Little Rock AFB’s All American DZ Mosaics, In Adobe PDF format. Circa 2005 imagery (and isn’t a dark page, copied several times over). Thanks to John Wrazin (21Oct06)
C-130 Nav Tools v3 download (46K Excel)
Compilation of Pressure / TAS / ETP / ARA / Fuels / ETA spreads sheets. Compute lead points, compute self contained – Airborne Radar Approaches, and more. Fully customizable and automated. Thanks to Pete Petritsch (new version 21May06)
Ultimate TAC Route Study Guide II download (43K Word)
Refresh of old study guide: Added new NVG items and notes for new 3NM corridors; new NVG Airland items; NVG Failure reminders; updated Threat / SCNS notes & techniques; SKE Echelon Turn Note. Thanks to Marc Lovelace (28Mar05)
SCNS Copilot Guide download (40K Word)
SCNS gouge single page, checklist sized. It’s useful for setting up SCNS and basic operating techniques in the absence of a Nav. Thanks to Mumbles (10Apr06)
CDS Flaps & SKE Drift Offset download (88K Word)
A single page checklist insert. Thanks to Kevin Nosthine.
Tactical Cheat Sheet download (62K Word)
Checklist sized Airdrop general knowledge, notes, and numbers. Thanks to Marc Lovelace (15Sep02)
62AS TAC Radio Procedures download (17K Excel)
A Retype and Refresh of a handout in the 62AS Welcome Packet – Radio cookbook procedures for low levels at LRF. Thanks to Marc Lovelace (15Sep02)
APN-59 SKE Timing Chart download (16K Excel)
SKE timing for formation turns. Thanks to Marc Lovelace (15Sep02)
Airdrop EPs checklist reference download (30K Word)
Checklist sized quick reference for Airdrop EPs. Thanks to Marc Lovelace (15Sep02)
AWADS/LEAD Route Study Guide download (30K Word) Briefing guide for AWADS / Lead. Thanks to Rob Risko, 2AS (15Sep02)
LRF Herc Data Card download (19K Excel) Mission data card, notes, reminders. Thanks to Marc Lovelace (15Sep02)
Secure Comms Loading Guide with DTD (CZY-10) download (18K Word)
Instructions for loading the Secure Radios using the DTD.
Herc Mission Card download (19K Excel)
Handy card to print out and keep track of your flight weather, profile and other errata. (5July01)
SKE SIMULATOR (28Jul00) This program was designed to improve a pilot’s ability to accurately interpret a PPI presentation and apply the appropriate corrections necessary to maintain a precise formation position. A total of 24 different scenarios are available. Thanks to Niagara Falls ARS. Download the program file and text documentation: skesimulator(108K).
Little Rock Schoolhouse Guide Going to the Rock?
Read the all-you-need-to-know info. We break down the entire program for you – lodging, academics, sims, flightline and more. (Updated Mar05)
53AS SCNS Guide download (55K Word)
Detailed discussion of SCNS features and How-To for all features. Thanks to Capt Aris Braxton (31May04)
LPS Note Sheet download (21K Excel)
is a score card to keep track of LPS (Local Proficiency Sortie) events. (15Mar01)
Cold Weather Ops Temp Correction download (85K PDF)
New checklist-sized cheat-sheet used for Cold WX Ops. Quit having to pull out the FIH all the time to apply the 11-202v3 corrections to instrument approach altitudes based upon OAT. Thanks to Marc Lovelace (31May04)
Dobbins ARB C-130H2 Schoolhouse Guide ANG/AFRES going to Dobbins?
Read the all-you-need-to-know info. We break down the entire program for you – lodging, academics, sims, flightline and more. (Updated Jun04)
Need to know numbers.Thanks to Kevin Big Canoe (2 Aug 2012)
C-130J Overwater Guide (updated) download (74K Word)
This is an update to the overwater guide posted below. Thanks to Bryan Davis (22Feb2012)
C-130J HUD Symbology download (1M Word)
Here’s a picture with labels of the symbology in the HUD. Good for qual phase. Thanks to Laura-Kate Martineau (29Jun2011)
C-130J Start Malfunctions download (642K PDF)
Kneeboard-sized. Thanks to Laura-Kate Martineau (29Jun2011)
C-130J CNI-MU Circular DZ Part 1 download (18M Word)
How to deal with the inherent risks of programming circular DZ information into the CNI-MU. Thanks to Laura-Kate Martineau (29Jun2011)
C-130J CNI-MU Circular DZ Part 2 download (24M Word)
How to deal with the inherent risks of programming circular DZ information into the CNI-MU. Thanks to Laura-Kate Martineau (29Jun2011)
C-130J Boldface (Dec 09) download (675K jpg)
Thanks to Forrest Underwood (12Jun2011)
C-130J (-30) Ops Limits 2 download (2M jpg)
Thanks to Forrest Underwood (12Jun2011)
C-130J (-30) Ops Limits 1 download (2M jpg)
Thanks to Forrest Underwood (12Jun2011)
C-130J Checklist Cover Page download (19K Word)
Cover page for the fanfold checklist. Thanks to Dave Bakos (22Jul07)
C-130J (-30) Interior Checklist Flow download (34K Word)
Thanks to Forrest Underwood (12Jun2011)
C-130J Copilot Cockpit Checklist download (22K Word)
Interior Inspection for copilots checklist insert. Thanks to Dave Bakos (22Jul07)
Checklist Warnings and Cautions download (63K Word)
Cut out and paste all notes, warnings, and cautions in the expanded checklist. Also has cut out flows, triggers, and chute extraction times to past into the fanfold checklist. Update thanks to Aaron Sanchez. (1Jan10)
C-130J Before Starting Engines download (24K Word)
Checklist insert. Thanks to Dave Bakos (22Jul07)
C-130J Pilot Cockpit Checklist download (23K Word)
Interior Inspection for pilots checklist insert. Thanks to Dave Bakos (22Jul07)
C-130J After T/O-Appch Before-Landing download (23K Word)
Checklist insert. Thanks to Dave Bakos (22Jul07)
C-130J Before Taxi Checklist download (28K Word)
Checklist insert. Thanks to Dave Bakos (22Jul07)
C-130J Eng Shutdown / Before Leaving download (20K Word)
Checklist insert. Thanks to Dave Bakos (22Jul07)
C-130J ERO, After Landing Checklists download (22K Word)
Checklist insert. Thanks to Dave Bakos (22Jul07)
C-130J Briefing Inserts download (27K Word)
Departure and Arrival Briefings from the expanded checklist that can be folded in half and taped as an extra fan in the fanfold. (27May07)
C-130J Tac Gouge download (1.5M Word)
7-Pages of notes, diagrams, study material for Tac. Thanks to Dave Bakos (22Jul07)
Max Effort TOLD Picture Book download (474K Word)
Discussion on assumptions and decision making for max effort procedures. (27May07)
NVG Stick Digrams LRF download (520K Powerpoint)
LRF Stick Diagrams with 3-3.35 towers annotated on the sticks. (27May07)
NVG Towers List download (35K Excel)
48th AS list of Custom data for 3-3.35 tower identification in the HUD. (27May07)
VNAV Constraints download (1.6M Powerpoint)
Guidance for constraining the CNIMU on a BJ20 for best time control. (27May07)
C-130J Mission Study Guide v3 download (154K Word)
TAC study guide – airland & airdrop information. Thanks to Derek Huff (4Jul08 update)
48AS PMQ Inprocessing Guide download (48K Word)
Thanks to Derek Huff (20Mar07)
C-130J EPE Study Guide download (144K Word)
Comprehensive study guide of EPs for all phases of flight. Thanks to Gordon Kinney (13Mar04)
C-130J EPs Study Guide download (62K Word)
C-130J EP Quiz (with blanks) download (60K Word)
Marine C-130J EP Guide & Quiz (19Jul05)
MD ANG C-130J SOP download (244K Word) MDANG Standard Operating Procedures for the C130J. Some of this will eventually be incorporated into AFI 11-2C-130J, but until then, here is a template for other units to work from
C-130J Overwater Guide download (42K Word)
Extract from our In-Flight Guide regarding procedures for planning and executing overwater (Category I) missions. Thanks to Gordon Kinney (13Mar04).
index for the following publications: 11-202V3, 11-217V1&2, 11-2HC-130. Thanks to Dave Lenhardt, 71 RQS (5OCT08)
HAR Briefing Guide download (30K Word)
Mock-up of the HAR Briefing Guide that’s found in the 11-2MC-130v3 (and it’s similar to the 11-2HC-130v3 as well). Decreases workload in the plane. Those items that the -20 requires in the precontact briefing are marked for easy recognition. Thanks to Marc Lovelace and Ken Larson (13Nov05)
AFI 11-2MC-130v3 Index download (168K Word)
Comprehensive Index for AFI 11-2MC-130v3. Cross references the 3-3 as well, geared for the Combat Shadow, but useful info for Talon I & Talon II folks as well. Thanks to John (4Feb06)
HC/MC-130P Plastic Brains download (477K zip)
Comprehensive checklist sized study guides for pilots and navigators. General, overwater, low level, tactical, objective area planning; search and rescue procedures, systems, emergency equipment, EPs and more. Good stuff for other C-130 models, too. Thanks to Bob Buerkle (12Dec04)
HC-130 P/N Limitation sheets download (251K Word)
These sheets cover the HC-130-(H)N-1 and HC-130(H)H-1 Limitations. Thanks to Jim Laignel (19Jul05)
Booklet sized C-130 tactical approach guide with diagrams. Thanks to Capt. Chris Halloran (16Nov03)
Tactical Formation Maneuvering Guide (36AS) download (291K Word)
Booklet sized guide to formation maneuvering with diagrams. Thanks to Capt. Chris Halloran (16Nov03)
50AS LRAFB Copilot Radio Procedures
Thanks to Chris Kilcullen. (Updated 4/23/06)
C-130 Study Guides Archive
Download text files in self-extracting WinZip files (broken into parts for size):
WINZIP is not required, the zip files are .exe files and will self-extract by themselves!
Together, these 2 zip files contain ALL the C130 Gouge in the tables below that are colored-blue.
| C130Gouge1(352K) | C130Gouge2(268K) | – new files updated 13Jun00.
New EPE Study Guide Version 8 NOT contained in C130Gouge2 file – you must download it separately from top of page.
NOTE 1: MCR 55-130 has been replaced by AFI 11-2C130V3 We will maintain the old 55-130 gouge here for the meantime until better gouge is submitted. However, we have compiled some good stuff on this new regulation.
NOTE 2: Items designated “insert” are pre-formatted and sized to fit in a check-list page insert.
NOTE 3: Internet Explorer users will be able to ‘preview’ each document file below by clicking on it.
A compiled list of changes from 55-130 and Vol 3.
AFI 11-2C-130V3 Indices
A compiled index for all of AFI 11-2C-130 Vol 3. (There is a checklist insert version and a full page version). No index was included in the original pub, so Ron Lueb built this one.
AFI 11-2C-130V3 Oper. Restrictions
Checklist insert, Chapter 4, Min Equipment List Operating Restrictions found in AFI 11-2C-130 Vol 3. Also included is an index-reference with page numbers for each system effected.
- AC Briefing Guide
Briefing guide and checklist - Short Field Landing Briefing
Briefing guide insert - Assault Take Offs and Landings Briefings
Briefing guide inserts
- Combat Briefing Guide
Briefing guide inserts - Departure / Arrival Briefings
Briefing guide insert - Engine Run-Up Briefing Guide
Briefing guide insert
- ERO Briefing Guide
Briefing guide insert - Assault Landing Briefing
Briefing guide insert - Assault Takeoff Briefing
Briefing guide insert
- Mission Study/TAC Briefing
Briefing guide insert - NEW Mission Study/TAC Briefing
Briefing guide insert
Notes, insert - MCR 55-130 v1
Chapter by chapter notes, definitions and numbers - MCR 55-130 v2
MQF Questions - AFMAN 11-217
Chapter by chapter notes - Combat Prep Checklist
Crew checklists - Weather Flight Planning
Flow Chart & notes - Combat Offload / IMC Rejoins
Guide, insert
- Departure Planning
Guide, insert - Departure Planning Part 2
Guide, insert - Drop Altitudes
Guide, insert - DZ Size Criteria
Guide, insert - FCI Preps
Notes - Have Quick Guide
Guide, insert - Heavy Equipment
Notes, insert
- IMC Run-In
Notes, diagram from 55-130 - Instrument Flight Guide
Briefing guide, notes - KY-58 Loading
Guide, insert - IFF/SIF, Mode IV
Guide, insert - Oxygen & Instruments
O2 and instrument preflight guide insert - Personnel Airdrop
Guide insert - Power Settings
Guide insert
- Pope AFB Low Level Radio Calls
Radio calls script guide insert - Random Approaches + Combat Slowdown
Guide insert with diagrams - SKE Turn Guides
- TAC Study Guide
- Time Control Techniques
Guide insert - Airdrop Wind Restrictions
Guide insert - Windmill Taxi Start
guide insert
By-Topic-Systems MQF - Ops Limits
Ops limits and more numbers - Engine Shutdown Erratta
Notes, insert
- Start Malfunctions
Turn&burn insert - 1-1 Notes
Chapter by chapter notes, definitions and numbers - 3-Engine Take Off
Briefing guide insert
- Acronyms
Memory aids - Braking Restrictions
Notes, insert - C-130 Section 3
Chapter by chapter notes