What is Baseops?
Baseops is short for Base Operations. There is a Baseops located at every military airfield in the world. Baseops is where aircrews go to mission plan, check weather, and file their flight plans. Baseops.net is your virtual online version of the Base Operations. We provide pilots the best flight preparation tools, mission planning information, and data available on the Internet. Baseops is maintained to aid aircrews in their flight planning and mission preparation.
It all started during an Operation SOUTHERN WATCH deployment and our crew was planning a mission from the Persian Gulf to Africa. Unfortunately, at our remote location, we had little access to flight planning publications, mission planning software, and no military phone lines. At that point we realized that this information must be out there somewhere on the World Wide Web. Thanks to Al Gore’s invention of the internet, we were able to plan our mission, and we realized how valuable this new resource would become.
Baseops began as an accumulation of links to military flight planning websites and resources on the internet. As technology caught up to the aviation world, flight publications, mission planning materials, and other valuable resources began appearing on the internet. We have accumulated the best aviation resources from official and reputable online sources. Prepare your flight plan, check aviation weather, prepare for your tactical sortie or airdrop, check imagery and official publications, all right here at Baseops.
See the Big Picture
At times when official metro cannot be contacted, or when you have a certain question or are looking for a certain image, visit Aviation Weather at Baseops. Of course, this does not substitute an official weather DD175-1, military weather briefing. We offer multiple official sources so that you can choose the image you like best. Most of our images are refreshed within the last 15 minutes. Now you can check the METAR and TAF codes, view the latest NEXRAD radar, and see what the forecasted weather will be – all from your home or work PC.
Knowledge is Power
Our vision was to create an online military aviation community. We have set up elaborate, aircraft-specific gouge sections that include comprehensive study guides, notes, and more. Through this collaborative environment, aviators can share their information online, with the rest of the aviation world. The Baseops Discussion Forums have gone through a complete makeover with a new database backend driving the latest portal and message board software. Our members include more than 5,000 military aviation professionals and enthusiasts. We are also posting aviation job listings. ANG/AFRES are posting their job hiring announcements online – all in one concise website. Additionally, we post a variety of other flying and non-flying employment opportunities online as well.
As military aviators, we want to inspire the next generation of pilots and crewmembers. Our Military Pilot section details the journey through Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT). Whether you are interested in learning about ROTC, OTS, or the Air National Guard and Reserves, our military pilot section, aviation medicine archive, and discussion forums offers our users comprehensive information from subject matter experts.
We have created a public shared source for all of your gouge. Find out which are the best crew-friendly hotels and restaurants worldwide. Now you can read other aircrews’ comments on CONUS and overseas locations, as well as send in your own TDY Gouge. This information used to only be passed verbally from one experienced crewmember to the “new guy”. Now, the wealth of knowledge is shared online, and can be updated real time.
Check out our Military Finance section where we share military and travel pay tips, advice, and lessons learned from our users. Many service members are not getting paid all their entitlements simply because they didn’t know. We have organized the most detailed list of military pay links and resources on the internet. Everyone can learn something new from our MilPay and Travel Pay Section
We are always dedicated to ensuring our site is reliable and loads quickly. The advertisements we have placed on the website are to cover operating costs and to compensate us for our time. Rest assured that we will always do our best to keep the site efficient for easy access and quick load times. All of our flight planning resources, military aviation information, and interactive features are free to use. Check out our Terms of Use. This is a collaborative effort – contribute to this site.
Support Baseops
We now offer Military Sim Cards for use within the U.S. and calling to and from overseas. These cards are prepaid and are the cheapest rates out there. Additionally, we offer International GSM Cell Phones with worldwide coverage. We support our troops and know how important it is to stay in touch with friends and family while on the road. Spread the word and thanks for your support. Help support Baseops by buying our Phone Cards! Are you UPT-bound as a student pilot? Buy your IFT flight gear through our affiliate MyPilotStore and save big on discount flight gear.
Want to reach your target audience? Advertise at Baseops.net and let your advertising banners be seen by our wide audience.

Contact Baseops
Help us keep your website up-to-date. Let us give you all the information you demand. Comments? Questions? Corrections? We have a brand new Email Form for you to fill out. Fill out our Baseops Contact Form and you will get fast response form the Baseops Team. If you are submitting attachments for posting at Baseops, please contact us via this form and we will email you submission instructions.
Comments, Suggestions, Got Gouge? Fill out our Contact Form.
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