The Baseops.Net and FlyingSquadron.com community are working together to publish an online Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Newsletter. This is an email newsletter that would include topics such as –

  • IFR quizes,
  • Latest Instrument Flying news and updates
  • Flight Safety
  • USAF TERPS news
  • Aviation industry and avionics develpments

This project is basically a more interesting and digestable way to periodically diseminate “IRC-like” information to the masses. I was inspired by seeing several of the general aviation instrument magazines and seeing the prototypical “Can you fly this approach?” IFR quiz. We saw interest in discussing these issues on the FlyingSquadron.com discussion forums thread “tough instrument approaches”.

This project will be driven by our online community and would empower the regular crew dog to pass on their valuable knowledge and experiences.

Sign up now and receive our periodic IFR Newsletter. We won’t sign you up for a bunch of garbage you’ll never need or use – just the IFR Newsletter from the same guys that brought you www.Baseops.Net (as seen on Al Gore’s Internet).

Want to volunteer your help with the IFR Newsletter? Send us an email.

Air Force Flight Standards Agency (AFFSA) IRC Website (AF Portal Password Required)
IRC Gouge has been moved to the AF Portal – a Portal Account is required (updated 5/15/08)